

732 Uppsatser om Democratic Republic of Kongo - Sida 1 av 49

Uppmärksammandet av sexuellt våld mot män i Kongo : En analys ur ett genus-  och manlighetspespektiv

Sexuellt våld förekommande i konfliktområden drabbar så väl kvinnor som män. Dock råder en situation då de drabbade männen faller i skuggorna i nyhetsrapporteringen och de drabbade kvinnornas röster ljuder starkare. Syftet med uppstasen är att undersöka nyhetsrapporteringen i sex olika internationella nyhetsmedier för att utreda hur det sexuella våldet mot män i Demokratiska Republiken Kongo framställs. Undersökningen har en teoretisk ansats i ett genusperspektiv kopplat till manlighet. Det analytiska ramverket som valts att användas är en kvalitativ  textanalys..

Civil-militär samverkan under fredsoperationen i Kongo

Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka civil-militär samverkan vid fredsoperationen i Kongo 1960-1964 ur ett kulturkonstruktivistiskt perspektiv. Detta har gjorts i form av en fallstudie där litteratur av personer verksamma på plats i Kongo 1960-1964varit dominerande. Ur fallstudien framkommer att många samverkansproblem förekom trots ett genomtänkt koncept ochinsatser för att förbättra samverkan mellan civila och militärer. Vidare framkommer att militärer och civila i huvudsak upplevde likartade problem. I uppsatsen har kulturkonstruktivistisk teori använts som analytiskt verktyg och skillnader mellan civilaoch militära aktörers kollektiva identiteter, världsuppfattningar och normer utgjort grunden för attförklara samverkansproblemen.

Bistånd och Relationer

The members of the OECD have agreed on giving aid assistance to developingcountries in a way of promoting their own capacity of handling the challengeof poverty and development. The members also cooperate and coordinate theiraid to recipient countries in the purpose of giving as effective assistance aspossible. The aid from these countries is often intended to human rights,democracy and has a humanitarian idea. This is the way from the OECDcountries. The Chinese way of giving aid mostly aimed at the industry of therecipient to promote the economic growth to lift the country out of poverty.The Chinese way do not aim or intend their aid at promoting human rights ordemocracy, often just industry and infrastructure.

Vår man i Leopoldville : Tjeckoslovakiska relationer med Belgiska Kongo 1954-1960

The aim with this essay is to compare strong girls in classic and modern literature and see how the differences in expectations on these girls are reflected in literature. This study is done with the aid of historical, feminist and new criticism..

Lek för lärande eller lekandets lek : Pedagogers syn på barns egen lek och lärande

The transition from having been under another country?s control to becoming a democratic country can, many times, pose difficulties, which has proven itself to be quite common. Estonia and Moldova?s processes towards a democratic regime are two examples of countries with varied success in the final transition phase.When the USSR (Soviet union) fell and collapsed in 1991 Estonia was well on their way from having a communistic ruling to a democratic one due to the fact that their democratic work had already begun a few years prior to 1991. After the collapse Estonia continued with their democratic work and in 2004 the country became a EU member state.

Demokratisering i Östeuropa : En flerfallstudie med fokus på Estland och Moldavien

The transition from having been under another country?s control to becoming a democratic country can, many times, pose difficulties, which has proven itself to be quite common. Estonia and Moldova?s processes towards a democratic regime are two examples of countries with varied success in the final transition phase.When the USSR (Soviet union) fell and collapsed in 1991 Estonia was well on their way from having a communistic ruling to a democratic one due to the fact that their democratic work had already begun a few years prior to 1991. After the collapse Estonia continued with their democratic work and in 2004 the country became a EU member state.

Musikteori på gymnasiet : En studie om gymnasieelevers inställning till musikteori

The transition from having been under another country?s control to becoming a democratic country can, many times, pose difficulties, which has proven itself to be quite common. Estonia and Moldova?s processes towards a democratic regime are two examples of countries with varied success in the final transition phase.When the USSR (Soviet union) fell and collapsed in 1991 Estonia was well on their way from having a communistic ruling to a democratic one due to the fact that their democratic work had already begun a few years prior to 1991. After the collapse Estonia continued with their democratic work and in 2004 the country became a EU member state.

Guldbrytningens miljö- och hälsoeffekter : En jämförande studie mellan tre exempel på guldgruvor i Kongo, Peru och Sverige

Guld är ett grundämne och den bästa elektriska ledaren i tekniska apparater. Denna studie utvärderar vilka effekter guldbrytningen har på människors hälsa och miljö. Studien behandlar tre länder och hur de har påverkats av guldföretagen som opererar i respektive land. Det har framkommit att cyanid och kvicksilver har förödande effekter för människors hälsa i både Peru och Kongo. Problemet är att arbetsnormer och säkerhetsrutiner inte efterlevs.

Krigets Kongo: en studie av beroende

Uppsatsens syfte är att studera kriget i Kongo ur ett beroendeperspektiv. Inblandade parter beskylls för att bedriva en illegal handel med kongolesiska naturresurser. En av förutsättningarna för fortsatt handel kan vara att kriget fortgår och därmed ytterligare försvagar den kongolesiska staten. Jag har valt att studera tre olika områden: statens oberoende, utländsk intervention i Kongo och den påstådda handeln. Beroendeteori och interdependens har använts vid studien och det finns tecken på att det har skapats beroendeförhållanden mellan de deltagande aktörerna.

Ekot från djupaste Afrika : En kritisk diskursanalys av nyhetsprogrammet Ekots gestaltning av konflikten i Goma, Demokratiska Republiken Kongo.

This is a critical discourse analysis of the conformation of the conflict in Goma, Democratic Republic of the Congo, as constructed by Ekot, a news-show on Radio Sweden. The ambition of this bachelor thesis is to examine the production of a Congolese conflict for a Swedish audience and to find out how the construction differences with and without a reporter in the field. To obtain this purpose the narrative is studied as well as the use of voices that define the conflict. The construction of proximity between Swedish audience and the Congolese event and the meaning of sound to stabilize the formation of discourse within foreign news is examined as well. To conform and explain foreign news it must be put in relation to a starting point.

Willy Brandts nya östpolitik 1969-1973. En teorikonsumerande studie av tysk utrikespolitik

In this thesis I will examine Willy Brandt's new Ostpolitik with the help of Robert Putnam's analytical framework of two-level games perspective and the theory of social constructivism. Firstly, I will briefly set out the development of Germany's history before it was divided into the Federal Republic of Germany and German Democratic Republic in 1949. After that I present West Germany's foreign policy from 1949 to 1969 in order to show how Willy Brandt continued and broke with different foreign policy doctrines. Finally, I want to illustrate his new Ostpolitik and the international and domestic factors, which contributed to its realisation. The main question of this essay is: How significant were the changes of the West German society for the realisation of the new Ostpolitik from 1969 to 1973? One of the most important findings in this essay is that on the one hand that many West Germans had accepted that their country was divided and on the other hand that many groups in the society such as the significant newspaper Die Zeit and intellectuals supported the new Ostpolitik.

Weimarrepubliken 1918-1933 En metodologisk individualistisk studie om demokratins kollaps

The purpose of this essay was to analyze the collapse of democracy in the Weimar Republic. This was done by analyzing some of the most turbulent crises in its history like the communists attempt to take power in 1919, the kapp-putsch of 1920, hyperinflation 1923 and the economic depression 1929-1933. The method that I used in this essay is called methodological individualism. It was an analytical framework which helped to understand the citizens view on democracy and legitimacy. The theoretical framework was based on Juan J.Linz and Seymour Martin Lipsets ideas on legitimacy and efficacy.

På väg mot ett mer demokratiskt EU? : - en studie av Lissabonfördraget

AbstractSince democracy was developed in the ancient Greece it has come to be used within a small city state, within the national state and as today used within a bigger perspective. After the end of the second world war political leaders wanted to make sure that there would never be a war between European countries again. Now, about 60 years later this type of cooperation now involves 27 of the European countries and goes under the name of the Euroapean Union. This means that democracy is no longer used just within the nation state, but within a big organisation that is responsible for almost 500 million Europeans lives. This also means that the European Union need to make some institutional reforms to be able to handle all the future challenges.

Den bortglömda krisen ? en kritisk diskursanalys på nyhetsrapporteringen av Centralafrikanska republiken

Central African Republic has partly been portrayed in the media as a forgotten crisis, but also as something that is completely natural for how it is in Africa. The society has perceptions about Africa, which has been reproduced and reconstructed in the selected articles. The discourses in particular have appeared in articles are discourses about: us and them, the confidence in experts, social representations especially (emotional roots), ideological inequities and power relations between different parties..

Att missa målet - en studie av kommunal målstyrning ur ett demokratiperspektiv

The aim of this study is to illuminate and discuss a case of political steering, specifically Managment-By-Objectives (MBO) in Swedish municipalities, from a democratic perspective. The essay examines a discrepancy between MBO in the Swedish municipalities and democratic theory.To fulfil the aim of the study one leading politician and one leading civil servant from five municipalities have been interviewed on this matter. This material is discussed in the light of a democratic theory constructed specifically for this essay. The democratic theory consists of three main democratic values in the democratic process: debate, transparence and the ability to demand political accountability.The main conclusion is that there is a contradiction in the use of MBO and the democratic values of debate, transparence and the ability to demand political accountability. MBO has resulted in a lack of debate and transparency and furthermore, it has made it increasingly more difficult to demand political accountability..

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